CUS Padova is the Sports Association of the University of Padua which currently has 15 sports sections. Since 1946 it has promoted sporting activity as an essential cultural and educational means for students, coaches and university staff, with the aim of developing transversal skills and supporting the practice and dissemination of physical education in the field of amateur sport.
In 2019 CUS Padova decided to experiment with a new teaching method for high school physical education teachers, giving life to Sport Opens School (SOS): a project aimed at providing high school physical education teachers with an innovative teaching module to increase the participation of adolescents in sport, educate them about fair play, tolerance and inclusion.
The project involves various actors:
4 Higher sports institutes based in Italy, Hungary, Romania and Portugal;
the Bacau School Inspectorate, the Italian NOC (Network Operation Center) and the EAS (European Athlete as Student Network);
the students of the institutes involved;
physical education teachers.
Each person involved is responsible for a project phase:
research: trainers must research topics to be divided into 15 in-depth sheets - with a theoretical section and a series of practical exercises - divided into three main thematic areas: physical activity and health, fair play and integrity, life and employability;
training: each card is presented and explained to the teachers, who are subsequently asked to select cards to take to secondary schools;
experimentation: each selected card is tested for 5 months in the various participating higher institutes at European level;
evaluation: at the end of the experimentation, teachers and students involved evaluate the impact and real effectiveness of each proposed card.
Since this is a European project that has been underway for some time and with the collaboration of several subjects, CUS Padova felt the need to be able to share and process each phase of the project in an agile and well-structured way. This is why we are asked for consultancy, with the aim of providing the technological and strategic tools necessary to best manage each phase of the project, including and involving all the actors in a single platform.
Since this is a European project that has been underway for some time and with the collaboration of several subjects, CUS Padova felt the need to be able to share and process each phase of the project in an agile and well-structured way. This is why we are asked for consultancy, with the aim of providing the technological and strategic tools necessary to best manage each phase of the project, including and involving all the actors in a single platform.
After a careful analysis of the project phases, the activities launched over the previous two years and the needs of CUS Padova, we propose the development of two independent but related entities: an informative landing page and a web app within which to collect the contents of each sheet, manage the profiles of all participants (trainers, teachers and students) and administer the questionnaires.
Sport Opens School therefore becomes a landing page for professionals, capable of collecting the main information regarding the project thanks to a great deal of analysis and organization of the information necessary for users. Our team has structured a menu capable of highlighting each phase of the project, making the progress made visible through an indicator. All secondary information has been included in a second level menu, in order to maintain an extremely clear and concise structure. The design team worked on creating a modern and lively interface - in line with the sports sector - capable of making navigation pleasant and effective.
The developed web-app follows the same approach as the landing page: we have structured an easy and intuitive information architecture to allow it to be used by people with different levels of experience. The choice and evaluation of the information modules, the administration of the questionnaires by the teachers, the access to an ad hoc forum and the training of the student classes follow a guided and coherent flow.